Embark on an adventure at the Fun Box, nestled along the enchanting Manar Mall promenade. This dynamic play area is ingeniously crafted in the form of a box, adorned with a riot of colorful pipes arranged in a mesmerizing gradient pattern. The lively ambiance is further enhanced by the presence of swings that sway with exuberance and a one-of-a-kind, oversized rock bench featuring an abstract design, adding an artistic touch to the recreational space.
Positioned alongside serene waters and scenic walkways, the Fun Box emerges as a rejuvenating oasis for individuals of all ages to indulge in playful activities and exploration. The animated play area beckons both the young and the young-at-heart, providing a refreshing escape within the mall’s tranquil surroundings. Whether it’s the laughter of children on the swings or individuals finding solace on the unique rock bench, the Fun Box epitomizes a harmonious blend of entertainment and relaxation. In the heart of Manar Mall, this vibrant and thoughtfully designed play area stands as a testament to the mall’s commitment to creating a welcoming and dynamic environment for visitors to enjoy and discover.
Client Manar Mall RAK
Year 2020